• Chelsea Groton Bank will NEVER contact you by phone call or text to verify your identity or ask for personal, debit card, or online banking login information. Beware of phone calls and text messages appearing to be from Chelsea Groton Bank headquarters and branch phone numbers where the caller claims to be from the Bank and asks for your personal or financial information. If this happens, hang up and call us at 860-448-4200 so we can verify the security of your account.
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Apply for Sponsorships 

In 2023, Chelsea Groton Bank and the Foundation gave over $750,000 in numerous grants, gifts, scholarships and sponsorships to support local organizations in the areas of animal welfare, arts and culture, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, housing, and youth recreation and activities. 

Application Procedures

All applications must be submitted through our online application. Please submit your application at least 6 weeks prior to the deadline for review. 

Funds requested should benefit individuals and families in our community; organizations must be a certified 501(c)3 organization and in good standing.

An account is no longer needed to access the application. To start the application, enter your organization’s tax ID number.

Once you start the application, you will not be able to save and return to it. You must complete the whole application and submit it for it to be completed. Required items needed to complete the application:

  • Tax ID Number
  • 501(c)3 Letter
  • Most recent 990 Form
  • List of Board of Directors

All submitted materials become the property of Chelsea Groton Bank and will be held in strict confidence.

To apply for a grant from the Chelsea Groton Foundation, visit our Chelsea Groton Foundation page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact Krissa Beene by phone 860-448-4212 or kbeene@chelseagroton.com.


Yes. Your organization must be exempt from federal income taxation as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”), other acceptable 501(c) status, or be a governmental unit referred to in Section 170(c)(1) of the Code.


The Bank serves communities in eastern Connecticut and southern Rhode Island.


Yes. Although the nonprofit does not need to be located in the Bank’s communities, the funds must be used to improve the quality of life in the communities Chelsea Groton serves.


An account is not needed to access the online application. To start the application, enter your organization’s tax ID number.


No, once you start the application, you will not be able to save and return to it. You must complete the whole application and submit it for it to be completed. Required items needed to complete the application:

  • Tax ID Number
  • 501 © 3 Letter
  • Most recent 990 Form
  • ​List of Board of Directors


There is a RESET FORM button on the bottom of each page of the application in case you need to start over.


Applicants must upload ALL required documents to the online application. Follow the instructions on the Attachments page of the online application. Attachments may be submitted in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel formats.


Please contact Krissa Beene at 860-448-4212 or kbeene@chelseagroton.com.


When you click “Submit” you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your application with a copy of your submitted application.


Chelsea Groton Bank takes your privacy seriously. We do not rent, sell or share personal information about grant applications with other people or with non-affiliated companies or organizations, without your prior permission.


Please contact Krissa Beene by phone 860-448-4212 or kbeene@chelseagroton.com.