Is your credit score in a good place? Are you looking to improve your money management? Have no fear, Chelsea Groton has the tools to help you! Credit Score powered by SavvyMoney and Manage My Money, are two new additions to Chelsea Groton’s online and mobile banking platform.
Credit Score: Even if you are not ready to make a big purchase, having a sense of your credit and working to build your score will better position you in the future. Or if you’ve been advised your score needs to improve before you’ll be able to take out a loan, consider trying Credit Score. Credit Score, available to you at no cost, and with no negative impact on your score, allows you to receive daily score updates, financial tips, and education to help you understand the factors that make up your score and ways you can improve it.
Manage My Money: Money management has never been more convenient! Review spending trends, set budgets, establish financial goals, and get personalized recommendations on how to pay down debt, all within one powerful tool.
Sign up for Credit Score and Manage My Money today to start making progress toward your financial goals!