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Ask An Expert

Marielle Winkelman, VP, Regional Sales and Service Manager, is responding to hot topic questions in this installment of Ask An Expert

Marielle Winkelman

What is a voided check? 

“When a check has the word VOID written on the front, it cannot be used in any transaction moving forward. It cannot be filled in, cashed or deposited. A voided check can also be helpful for record-keeping or for sharing your banking information for a legitimate purpose such as setting up automatic bill payments for utilities or authorizing your employer to direct deposit your salary or wages.” 

What are treasurer’s checks?

 “A treasurer’s check is a type of check accountholders can request from their bank. It shows that the bank has certified the funds and is in support of the check. Treasurer’s checks are commonly used for completing large purchases such as for buying a vehicle.” 

What does notary mean? 

“A notary is a public official who serves as a witness of the signing of important documents. Each Chelsea Groton Bank branch has a staff member qualified to notarize. If you’re in need of a notary, you can easily schedule an appointment through Chelsea Calendar with a licensed team member at your preferred branch.” 

Do you have a financial question you’ve been eager to ask? Email and be on the lookout for your answers in a future post! Looking to talk directly with one of Chelsea Groton’s subject matter experts? Connect today!